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Welcome to the SERJobs' application page!

For 60 years, SERJobs has transformed the lives of individuals through education,  skill-based training, employment, and long-term financial stability. Most recently, we added Digital Navigation and access to our list of primary services as

Flagship Lift Zone supported by Comcast.

SERJobs is Where Opportunity Works! We are excited to serve you! Our services are open to those who qualify for our programs and are committed to working together to achieve transformation. 

Many people apply to SERJobs for training, but we are much more than a training center.

When you apply to SERJobs, you apply to be a member of our community, which gives you:

  • Career coaching, which takes into account your experience, talents, aptitudes, limitations, and hopes.
  • Financial counseling to help you establish credit and build assets.
  • Skill-based training and job readiness instruction. 
  • Connection to our employer network in high growth, high demand career pathways. 

Right now, we are accepting applications for:

  • Adults over the age of 24 in Harris, Fort Bend, and Galveston County
  • Youth 16-24, no longer in school and now working, in any of of the 13 Gulf Coast Counties 
  • Veterans and Veterans Re-entry 
  • Women interested in non-traditional occupations (including Electrician, Construction, HVAC, etc.)

Once you apply, you should expect up to 3 business days before we process your application and you hear from us. When you do, you will be invited to a mandatory in-person orientation session at our 1710 Telephone Road location. (If you cannot attend this in person, please speak to your Navigator about other options.)

After the orientation session, you will be asked to provide the following information: 

  1. Government-issued ID
  2. Social Security Card
  3. Documentation of Income (if applicable) 
The sooner you can provide that information, the sooner you will be assigned a coach, so it is in your best interest to compile that information after you apply while waiting to hear from a Navigator. 

Once you provide the necessary documentation, you will be asked to take an assessment to help us better understand your aptitudes and desires.  This document will serve as a conversation starter between you and your new coach.

You will be asked to take a drug test, which you must pass to be considered for employment. If you do not feel you can pass one at this time, it is best to wait until you can, or you can discuss this with the Navigator. 

Once you have completed all documentation and the assessments, which can take up to one week, you will begin working with your coach. 

The goal is for the active period of engagement with SERJobs to last approximately three months from enrollment to engagement, though some progress faster and others need more time. 

Should you be satisfied with this approach, we welcome you to proceed with this application. Thank you for trusting us as your partner on this journey!

Pre-Qualifying Questions 

Please respond to the following questions. At the end you will be taken to the Application page to move forward if you pre-qualify. 

Apologies, you don’t meet our eligibility requirements at the moment based on your responses to in the previous page. 

We invite you to explore other options including:


Please select your language.
Contact Information


Please enter 5 digit zip code

Please enter a good phone number and email so that we may reach you, regarding your application. 

Demographic Information

Check all that apply. Please check the "Not Applicable" box if you do need any special accommodations.

Please select "Not Applicable" if this does not apply to you.

Youth Questions

If you have NOT worked for the same employer more than 3 months, please select "Yes"
Household and Family Info

Please enter your annual household income. Your best estimate will suffice.
You should include/count yourself in only one of these categories in addition to other household members.
You should include/count yourself in only one of these categories in addition to other household members.
You should include/count yourself in only one of these categories in addition to other household members.
If interested: We offer financial coaching & help individuals open a checking and/or savings account, who don't currently have a checking / savings account. 

Emergency Contact Information

Public Assistance Benefits
Are you currently receiving any of the following forms of public assistance?
Employment History

In the next section, please fill in information about your most recent job or current job, if applicable. 

Education History

Military Status

Justice Involvement

The following questions will be used to determine your eligibility for programs in our agency that focus on serving individuals who have been involved with the justice system (included if you were arrested, incarcerated, convicted, released, any age).

Crime Details

Thank you for showing interest in SER-Jobs for Progress. SER works with both minors and adults and is therefore unable to serve sex-offenders. We encourage you to reach out to the resources below.


Work Faith Connection - a partner agency focusing on job readiness skills, click on the link to learn more: http://workfaithconnection.org/.


United Way of Greater Houston - offering a hotline that can be accessed 24/7 by dialing 211. The live operator will provide you a list of additional community agencies that can help you or you may visit their website for more information: https://www.unitedwayhouston.org/our-211-helpline/.


Thank you again for your time, have a nice day.

Check all that apply

Total time 


For example: Windows 8, Windows 10, Mac OS, etc.

Through an apprenticeship program, you can obtain paid, relevant workplace experience while gaining the skills and credentials employer’s value. 93% of apprentices who complete an apprenticeship retain employment.
Client Needs

Please rate the three services that you are most interested in below:

Check all that apply

Check all that apply

Check all that apply

Minimum hourly rate

Are you interested in being contact by other community agencies for assistance with the following? (Check all that apply)
We will share your contact information with our community partners who specialize in those areas of service, so they can contact you.  
Edit this text

One of our navigators will contact you during our scheduled hours of operation (Monday – Friday, 8AM – 5PM), to discuss next steps towards enrolling in our programs/services. Our office number is 713-773-6000.