Sandra Achury
Director of Quality Assurance + Compliance
Sandra Achury serves currently as the Director of Quality Assurance & Compliance at SER Jobs in Houston, TX. Ms. Achury brings more than 12 years of experience in management in the non-profit sector and in Workforce Development.
Passionate about eliminating poverty in the world by showing individuals how to go fishing rather than giving them the fish, she truly believes change is possible one person at a time.
Ms. Achury served as the Managing Director of Economic Empowerment at the Latin American Association in Atlanta for four years leading the programs of Vocational Trainings, Employment, the Women’s Small Business, Adult Education and Translations. She also worked with the Refugee Women’s Network as Program Manager to empower refugee women to become economically self-sufficient via entrepreneurship.
She joined SERJobs on 2020 and has served under different roles taking her to the Q/A field where she utilizes all her expertise and experience to bring the best and most impactful service to the community. Sandra is an Electrical Engineer and holds an MBA. She likes traveling, dancing and nature.