by Paula Recio | Apr 15, 2022 | Success Stories
In Esvin B.’s own words. Hello, my name is Esvin B. I’m 29, and the oldest of two. Growing up, I never had a stable home. We would move from friends’ houses to womens’ shelters to sometimes living out the car. I remember once I even attended school for only ONE DAY...
by Paula Recio | Mar 16, 2022 | Galveston, Success Stories
Kenneth H., a recent graduate of SER’s Galveston freight broker training program, spent years working as a graveyard tow-truck driver with the desire to find a career pathway that was a good fit and had greater earning potential. Mr. H. enrolled in SER’s freight...
by Paula Recio | Jun 16, 2021 | Success Stories, YouthBuild
Role Model, Mentor, and Inspirational Big Brother “Today, I understand the role I play as the older brother of seven,” said Julian, “if you asked me that a few months ago, I wouldn’t have been able to express what that looked like or meant to me.” Julian M., who was...
by Paula Recio | May 4, 2021 | Success Stories
Kenneth (KJ) has overcome enormous obstacles in his quest for success. Born at Jefferson Davis Hospital in downtown Houston, KJ grew up in the Acres Homes neighborhood of Houston. Acres Homes was developed around the time of World War l when it was settled by African...
by Paula Recio | May 1, 2021 | Success Stories
Michelle K. initially came to SERJobs for a Community Job Fair in late 2020. She had recently been released from incarceration and was interested in obtaining her CDL. Within a few days of meeting SER staff, Michelle enrolled in CDL training. An outstanding student,...
by Paula Recio | Mar 16, 2021 | Success Stories
Namita K. began her SER Journey at the age of 18. Now 22, Namita has a great job and is living her best life! As a child living in Nepal, Namita heard stories of life and opportunities in the United States and dreamed of living here. When her dad was offered a job in...